Tony Berg

I have a successful history of investing with Sam Allen and Trumen on a number of Trumen projects and have seen good returns from my investment.  Trumen has a good track record in identifying and developing sound projects. I have found Sam to be a smart operator, honest and reliable.

Director – Gresham Partners Limited

Christian McKelvey

Sam Allen and his team at Trumen Corp provide me with unique and opportunistic real estate investments that are well-considered, structured to mitigate risk, but deliver superior returns.  Their ability to think and act differently has delivered profitability within projects that most developers and investment managers would just not identify.  Sam’s honesty and the way he goes about his business dealings with vendors, builders and end-users provides me with significant comfort that, not only is my investment in capable hands, but is also being handled with the utmost professionalism.

Executive Director – Heritage Property Partners

Damien Cronin

Sam Allen and the team at Trumen have established a niche in the Sydney light industrial market, consistently delivering high quality office, industrial, storage and childcare developments in strategic and sought after locations. We have worked together with Trumen in partnership now on five successful projects and would commend their delivery capability and integrity to any prospective client or service provider.
Director – Alceon Group

Andrew Tyndale

We have been partnering with Trumen for almost 10 years now, and have always found them to be of the highest ethical and moral character which, in combination with their commercial nous and development experience, makes Trumen one of our priority partners.
Founder – Grace Mutual Limited
Chairman – Bupa Aged Care